Saturday, September 27, 2008

Botak Jones

One of the most influential models of relationship is constructed by Mark Knapp. It describes the progression and development of relationships in 10 stages: stage 1-5 = coming together
stage 6-10= spliting apart
Stage 1: Initiating: there will be self-presentation and both partners tend to be "cautious" and safe
Stage 2: Experimenting: where self-disclosure and reciprocity commence. 
Stage 3: Intensifying: increased commitment and awareness. disclosure of feelings.
Stage 4: integrating: Encompass their social network, coupling of individual characters as a relational unit.
Stage 5: Bonding: significant public rituals such as marriage/engagement.

Yes, why did i describe this model out when my title is the name of a restaurant? Behind this well-known restaurant lies a solid marriage, which helped both couples sailed through torrentous storms. 
Bernie Utchenik, man behind the burger and steak chain had two failed relationships before finally venturing into the third and final one with Mrs Faudziah Utchenik. Mrs Utchenik herself had ended a 14-year marriage with two kids. 

They first met in 1997 in a bank when Mr Botak Jones went to the bank to open a personal account. She was the bank officer assigned to his acccout. at the beginning, their conversations were all business. each thought that another relationship was impossible, prior to the failed ones. (stage 1). their friendship blossomed then on and they met casually often as their work place was in the same area. soon they were at ease with each other and was disclosing more about themselves. (stage 2).

Mr Utchenik finally mustered enough courage on a morning of 1998 and "tested" her Faudziah's reaction towards the view of marriage. she told him she did not like the idea because of a soured 14-year failed marriage. He tried the same sideways tack again and she finally complied with her feelings. Faudziah agreed to tie the knot on Valentine's Day, 1998. (stage 3 & 4). He converted into a Muslim and they had a small traditional Malay wedding in the tampines home of her parents. (stage 5)

yes... why did i describe the whole marriage process when my title is Botak Jones?? it is because without her, Bernie would not have had opened the famous restaurent. her presence and encouragement was crucial to him when his business failed and they had to lived on instant noodles. even during the period of being jobless and Bernie had to sold off his Land Rover and Harvey Davidson motorcycle, she did not leave him. at times, she would encourage with "tough love". 

The initating of this relationship till finally bonding was certainly very encouraging and invigorating. Today, Botak Jones own more than 10 outlets in SIngapore and is continuing to expand. Many are attracted to the large portion of meals and the variety of interesting dish names such as "how's salad", "whoopass cheese fries" and "Lots of cheese sandwich". the description of each dish is interesting and entertaining to both new and existing consumers. 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Teens Sex

Mind your body issue on yesterday's The Straits Times shouted a proclamation: Dangerous Liaisons- more teens are having sex and infections are on the rise. In this article, it states of how teen sex is becoming more common among the young ones of today.

"It's almost like no one's talking about it but everyone's doing it."- 17yr secondary school student. the page highlights the dangers and the statistics of the number of sexually transmitted infections(STI) among teenagers such as human papillomavirus(HPV) and cervical cancer. last year's figure hit a high of 820. in addition, there were 833 pregnancies in girls 19 years and below, 16 of whom were 15 years old. there were also 1363 teenage abortions.

In a survey of 600 youths, 13% of those between 16-23 years old were sexually active. within this group, 23% did not use contraception.

the article also mentions of a mis-informed generation whereby the the "school's programme was more on contraception and childbirth and the screening of a "horrific video of a women giving birth." - Sarah, now 17, who lost her virginity when she was 14 and still having sex with several men. "i loved the guy i lost my virginity to."

discussing about communications, to have effective ones that are supposed to have an impact on teenagers, to advise abstinence instead.. how are should schools go about it? Sarah also mentioned that she "learnt about sex mostly from the Internet. There are things you want to know and you Google it." given such situation, how do you propose to insert sex education into a teenager's life? i think the modern media is not helping much... how can sex education be taught through media? so as to convey effective lessons to the young ones of today?

"i don't want to be like my mother and have one man my entire life. but i also don't want to be the woman where half the men at my wedding are people i've slept before" - Sarah

Friday, September 12, 2008

because i love you?!?!

It is learnt in communications that communication has powerful effects in a certain cultural perspective. Indeed it is so true! it has a different yet similar intensity of powerful effect when this advertisement is shown in local television and Singapore movie theatres. comments so far from the forums and my friends so far are adverse.

In defining rhetoric, persuasive communication is applied to achieve these objectives:

1) Logos = appealing to reason(logical)
2) Pathos = appealing to emotions
3) Ethos = persuasive appeal and credibility of source

may i ask my beloved audience, based on these criterias, is this advertisement persuasive?

personally, i feel so persuaded to not ever try the allswell drink. it is certainly appealing to my funny bone, and its definitely not logical! what has "i love you" got to do with drinking an allswell drink???

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The heroes behind the casualty photos

An ideal communication is when there there a message being passed across and tha there are feedback from the receiver to ensure mutual understanding.

Most of what we know and believe about the world comes to us through communications such as the newspaper reports, television airings and radios. These mediums serve to evoke our compassion and emotions. One such example is the recent hurricane Gustav.

The pictures were extracted from BBC website,

In the light of the previous hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Washington) immediately carried out evacuation process, to avoid even more casualties as depicted during hurricane Katrina.

Awareness throughout the world is increasing as photos and video clips on the impending hurricane are being published online and on national television.

As seen in the photo on the right, in the face of horrendous rain, the television crews are braving the storm to capture the intensity of the scenario. Because of these courageous crews, awareness is spread throughout the world.