Thursday, October 16, 2008

Communications gone PARANORMAL??

10 years ago, Toaist medium Lou Ai Pang was approached by a frantic housewife, who told him her husband had disappeared after leaving Singapore to seek his fortune. Mr Lou's psychic powers revealed that the man was alive and in Thailand. Shortly later, he added this news," If you don't find him quickly, he may not be able to return home with you" 
The women went to thailand and found her husband, finding him rail thin and begging on the streets. He had lost all his money in doomed business ventures and died soon after the couple reunited.

i read with interest in the The Straits Times on monday where they featured: The Police and the Paranormal. In it, the article introduces tapping into the spirit world to bust crimes. This topic of paranormal help was raised in a joint conference by Certis Cisco and Malaysia-based International Centre for Security Management. 
Malaysian criminologist Justin Loh recounted on an incident when a missing business man was found with the help of a bomoh. Although the police suspected him being abducted by foreigners, his family turned to mediums to find him. Some of them said he was dead, others said he was alive. Yet one of them accurately predicted where he was held, where his body would be found, and the race and nationality of the ones responsible. Investigations then concluded with his body found, and that he was murdered by a group of youths, who had robbed hiim and used his ATM and credit cards.

In such scenarios, are the police more reliable than the mediums? Concrete investigations versus spiritual help, which would be reliable and safe? Justin Loh shared with the local security firms about the types of paranormal policing: - 
1) Visions/Dreams: The psychic concentrates on the belongings of a victim and receives visions about how the crime happened.
2) Meditation: The psychic enters into a trance-like state and recounts details of the crime.
3) Psychic detectives: They operate in a manner similar to that of criminal detectives, sometimes working in pairs to solve a case.

 The mediums in SIngapore were interviewed, and they mentioned that it was rare to receive request to look for loved ones. Most peopole ask for help in getting rich or improving relations with family members. 

In a multi-cultural society like Singapore, where there are evidence of both individualism and collectivism, will the intrusion of mediums and bomoh help human relationships to get better? To my relief, the police in Singapore are still skeptical about this paranormal help. 

"pychics never helped had successfully helped the Police solve a crime in Singapore, but there certainly have been instances when victims have parted with lots of money to these mediums with no results" - Retired senior detective Lim Beng Gee.

"These leads will never stand up in a court as evidence. It's just rubbish" - PI Lionel de Souza


fen.fen said...

well... this is the danger of media. some pple truly have some "paranormal" or unique experiences, and they share it to the masses thru the media. i dun negate their experience but sometimes their interpretations can be inaccurate and mislead the masses.

just like there is this "paranormal" group in the States - they share that they hear voices. it is true that they hear voices, but it is not just paranormal. it is actually a symptom of an illness, just like how unilateral weakness is a symptom of stroke.

there is nothing to be ashamed if you experience auditory hallucinations ( eg. hear pple talking when no one is ard ) -- it is just a symptom of a illness. thi is just because of some chemical imbalance in the brain, just like glucose is in the wrong levels in Diabetes. but seek help early cos early intervention can really do alot for you - to prevent the illness from progressing and hindering you in your studies or career. wanna know more? visit
or ask me :)

Kai Siang said...

Whether there are paranormal events or just scams, we can not tell for sure. But if mediums are really able to solve crimes, they should become policeman. They would definitely rise to the top and the world would have no more unsolved crimes. But since this isn't the case, medium are probably not what they claim to be.

Krystin said...

Wow, from Fen fen's comments, it seems that "paranormal" experiences is actually symptoms of an illness.

Personally, I have witnessed a medium doing a ritual of calling my uncle's soul after he passed away. Throughout the process, I just find it absurd because all the medium did was cry and inform the family members that "he" is suffering in the underworld. We all have seen this in dramas too..

If mediums are so efficient and effective, then Singapore Police should all learn to become mediums instead..and we will have a "no crime" policy in Singapore!

Yunguang said...

Sometime when you personally see and hear (or experience), you may thought is REAL. But when the experience is over and when you think about it, it seem UNREAL.

So how to find out if the things you see/hear/experience is REAL? hmm.. beside human rationale, you need human faith..

Ms Bendy said...

My opinion is that the psychic mediums are seldom seen as a credible source of information because of its unjustified functioning, which is how people cannot prove their authenticity. Moreover, Singapore is a place that is based on facts and truths. On the other hand, such paranormal truths lies on faith so it is quite unlikely that the Court will accept it to be used as evidence.

At the most, the police will just use it as a reference point to aid their investigation.

One more thing to note is that the psychic mediums usually help to communicate with the deceased. So they may be more effective in helping people to resolved unresolved issues. And in some cases, they might even serve as a part-time counsellor or part-time fortune teller. haha...

Anonymous said...

There are various reason why people turn to the paranormal group - ie. psyhic mediums, bomoh etc.

In my job as a social worker previously, we encountered several clients who turn to chinese mediums or bomoh for help in situations that seem helpless or as a last resort or when they want quick solution.

E.g. one client who brought her son (primary school level) to see a chinese medium when other alternative solutions seemingly failed to solve her son's angry outburst issue. She hence concluded that her son was possessed & thus needed some form of quick remediation (excorcism). Definitely, those Chinese mediums could NOT help this young boy who was not possessed at all! Imagine what psychological hurt would this boy faced when he was forced to go to the cemetery in the middle of night for excorcism?! We (social workers) assessed that the boy had difficulties managing his emotions. So we worked with the family on resolving this issue.

In the case of Chinese Mediums, it appears that they are highly esteemed among many Chinese and as a result, people approached them for all kinds of problems, even the most unthinkable problems like their children's studies or even their infertility. It does seem that many people are still uninformed about other sources of more appropriate help available or as mentioned earlier, these people are helpless or want quick solution.

However, sadly, some of these highly esteemed Chinese mediums had abused their "powers" in their client's vulnerable circumstances. We had heard of reports of women who got molested by Chinese mediums. Hereby, highlighting the unreliability of help from a mere stranger they know nothing of.

Despite media's report of the unreliability of Chinese mediums, I think it would not deter people from approaching them for help. Perhaps their mentality is, "If man can't help, then the gods will help." But do the masses ask what spirits from the supernatural realm will these mediums seek divine intervention from? Do they seek help from the one True God? NO. If not, would the divine intervention then be futile & perhaps misleading & perhaps deceitful?

I do not deny that man cannot solve all problems with their own ability. Only the one True God, ie. Jesus Christ our Lord is our Answer to our Problems. Noting that we seek God's help according to His Will (not according to our own wants & desires) & God will help us according to His Will.

fen.fen said...

this is in response to Krystin's post.

well, the "paranormal" experiences can possibly be symptoms of illnesses, but yet i must also say that sometimes pple just claim they have some "psychic" powers-i do believe some of them are lying.

i also believe some mediums really do try to come in touch with the spirits and all. this is really dangerous - it's one thing to endanger your human life on earth, but even more dangerous to endanger your spiritual life. no go... no go... this is not something to be curious abt and explore.

well... isnt the TCS8 9pm show now featuring some gal with "psychic" powers?

Anonymous said...

I supposed there are really mediums who possessed the "supernatural" kind of power to foresee or visualise and track missing person but not many. Their intuitive senses are strong but the source of power remains unknown. Not all are reliable due to their unknown identity.

I also believed that true mediums have their stand for remaining as one and would usually seclude themselves to perform some kind of routine rituals. However, the results that showed their inconsistency in predicting some of the cases/ events have led people to think whether their works turned out to be just a coincidence with facts presented and sources already made available for them to "prophesize".

Through communicating with the other realm of the spiritual world remain anonymous and kind of dangerous to us and the truth will only be known to the mediums themselves. However, I do believe that the other part of the world exists. If they are performing their job for what they claimed to be, they would definitely be of help especially in complex police case although these kinds of "prophecies" would not act as concrete evidence in court.

I also believed that in other aspect, depending on the issue presented, such as improved human relations kind of advice offered by the medium through paranormal communication does not stand due to the nature of the problem, the solution can be sought after by the victim themselves.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the mediums held much power and prestige in the past, where people were less education then. But things have moved on pretty much in a decade. We have to be thinking rationale people now instead of blindly believing in the words of a medium. As your quote at the end mentioned, the evidence will not be credible in the eyes of the law, thus there is no point in dwelling on this issue.

yijing said...

ha, your title is eye catching.

I dont believe that paranormal help from the so-call pychics are really helpful.

Real evidence = scientific evidence = very reliable.


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