Thursday, October 2, 2008

death in NS...

death occurs in NS, result of groupthink?

according to our textbook, thinking through communications, it is defined as "a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' strivings for unanimity ovverride their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action." 

in simpler definition, in groupthink, group members believe they can do no wrong to upset cohesiveness of the group. 

The Straits Times HOME on Wednesday screamed this headlines: NSF, 20, dies after routine workout. Today(thurs) it was confirmed that the soldier was already issued a medical certificate from Singapore General Hospital on Sept 28(sunday). He was given 3 days medical leave (att C), and 4 days of light duties. (att B)

But apparantly, he booked in back to camp on sunday night despite the MC. it was informed in the newspapers that 
"It was not clear at that time whether Pte Foo had submitted the MC or alerted anyone at camp about his injury or past seizure." - The Straits Times  (

Why? i would be so happy to rest at home for 2 more days. why did Private Joe Foo Wei Rong not reported the medical certificate to his officer in charge/seargent? if so, he would be resting at home and would not met with fatality on Monday morning's 5BX. 

- was it because it was his first week being posted to the camp and was afraid of the consequences of not booking in?
- was it because in order to instill discipline in newcomers(because it was only the first week) that the seargents were too fierce and unaccomodating to approach, hence the fear to not book in?
- was it due to groupthink? that because of the harmony and cohesiveness of the particular platoon or company, he didn't want to disrupt it? 

Under the effects of groupthink, this scenario will show if he had survived: he will be labelled as "garang" because he went on with training despite medical conditions.

If he was to combat groupthink, this scenario will arise: he will be labelled as "chao keng" 

its a sad reality, but are we all subjected to groupthink one way or another? 

(p.s do be lenient in your comments about this issue, the Military Security Department(MSD) is constantly on the lookout)


Krystin said...

Maybe he did it out of his own initiative by going back camp? I do agree "groupthink" does play a part but ultimately the decision lies with him as an individual....According to social psychologist Irving Janis, Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups.
Pardon me, but do you mean that his actions of going back camp is consider to be irrational?

Gideon Teo said...
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Gideon Teo said...

Note: This is a partial response to Raj. =)

As we reflect on the notion of “groupthink”, it is crucial to understand that “groupthink” as a noun is Descriptive (it describes a situation) and not Prescriptive (like prescribing medicine to remedy a situation). Therefore, it is a fallacy to impose the notion that all belief(s) held by groups are inherently erroneous.

“Groupthink” warns us of an errant social phenomena that we have be aware of (this is descriptive); however, the knowledge of “groupthink” does not solve the problem that exist within “groupthink” (this is prescriptive). Hence, to prescriptively claim that all group decisions (for example, Christian’s belief that Jesus Christ is Lord) as erroneous “groupthink” is presumptuous because it is using a descriptive knowledge to impose a prescriptive judgment. To put it simply, you are using “groupthink” as an excuse to reject any claim that you disagree upon.

Moses has described the problem of groupthink well. Follow the bad group, and you’ll be in trouble. Reject the bad group, you’ll also be in trouble. Moses is correct to lament the sad reality aren’t “we all subjected to groupthink, one way or another”. Even the bible describes the phenomena of groupthink. Look at John 12:42-43. "Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him (Jesus), but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.” Groupthink reveals that the fear of man is apparent our hearts, and in our effort to appease others, we end up hurting ourselves. We need help, a prescriptive help that will help us in our weakness.

This is why I believe that we need Jesus. Jesus is the true prescriptive wisdom and revelation from God, only he can save us from the problems of groupthink. Colossians 1:18 says “And he (Jesus) is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning…so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” A group prescriptively needs truth to get it right. When Christ have supremacy in a group, the group not have the effect of “groupthink” because He us the supreme wisdom of God! (c.f. Colossians 1:16). The problem comes when WE want to have the supremacy! We want to control others, and we want to follow others other than God! This is a tragedy as they are rejecting the true prescriptive solution to groupthink. Only Jesus is our true prescriptive medication to the illness of groupthink.

Jesus had cried out to all to come to him to gain rest, to gain wisdom from him. Proverbs 4:7 encourages us, “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” Receiving the wisdom of God requires the humility of the heart and submission to his wisdom. May we take his words to heart and eagerly seek for Jesus. Just as my beloved Bible Study Leader Huifen writes, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” - proverbs 1:7a. =)

Anonymous said...

I seriously wish to be lenient..but that's none of my business.

imagine spending money investing on other aspects and having an army which they proclaim to be a big success when most people don't want to go...

how does that sound? Among 21 countries who are of a similar island size as singapore, how many are actually considering setting up army to defend themselves?

2... and that includes singapore.

They invest the money into where?

setting up casinos...taking people's money and doing generousity to the mankind...they are using our money..not theirs.
and they proclaim to be their credit..well screw that.

How transparent can this cmpb or the government will be?
people going to cmpb are inspected and checked..etc..
because of terrorists...

ok..a question.. have you ever realised why terrorists targetted singapore instead of other countries? for fun? no...
so..for what then?
because singapore is a country...
where it's not a place for freedom of speech..but a total control over the other people.

Wonder why PAP won 98%? because if you don't support them...they hardly bother you. This is country affairs..other countries can't interfere though.

it's because there is Fear...

it's like hitler... haha

Kai Siang said...

Death in NS seems to be becoming a trend. Are new recruits getting weaker? Or is there a problem with the system in SAF? People are worried. People who are entering the army fear for their lives. Parents fear for their children's safety. SAF personnel fear for future similar cases. Perhaps SAF should review its practices.

joyce lim said...

I agree that SAF practices should perhaps be more transparent to the public. Who would not fear for the safety of their loved-ones while they are in army where life is so tough for them? The newspaper mentioned that the guy was apparently very healthy, no history of any illnesses, just the sprained ankle he had. It was also highlighted that he was from a polytechnic and in polys, the students tend to have fewer chances to exercise as it is no longer a requirement to have physical education in their course. However, while their physical fitness may have declined during their years of lack of exercising, would it really cause a sudden seizesure while doing pull-ups? Besides, even if there’s a possibility, how high is the probability for it to occur? I guess that’s perhaps what many people are thinking of. I feel that there is need for SAF to reinsure the public that safety precautions are taken to minimize and prevent any incident which may lead to the possibility of death.

Slize said...

3 days medical leave and he went back to camp?. thats ridiculous but i do understand the point, especially being only a Private.Let's be open out this, You've done your national service and we all know how skeptical our sergeants or officers feel towards a medical certificate. First thing that comes to their minds is the classic " is he malingering? " ("keng" in army language). These perception creates fear in the person if one is really sick. "oh, will they think im bluffing" etc. people should be given the benefit of a doubt no matter how they look, who they are and how they behave. We may never know the severe consequences that may arise with fear.

Anonymous said...

We see that we are constantly kept in fear of the SAF. Even the author is fearful of the implication the post might bring.

What more for a newly enlisteed NSF to submit his Medical Certificate to his immediate superior. Does he have the "moral courage" to do so, and risk being mocked by his superiors and fellow platoon mates for being "Weak" or "Maligering".

To instill discipline in the SAF, one needs to conform and not be the "odd one" out. Thus, there is a added psychological pressure not to be the "lame duck" and fall out. What everybody needs, is to have that little bit of moral courage in us.