Thursday, October 9, 2008

outward display of "love"??

prior to my previous article on teen pregnancy and sex disease, here we see more evidence of rising teenage intimacy.
 is the media at fault? or should we blame the raging hormones of the youh today?

'Shameful and immoral' to have teens frolic at playground like this. (22 sept)

Siglap secondary school students at a pasir ris playgound on a hot afternoon at 1pm. 

"It was 13:00 pm, I came back and heard some moaning noise and looked out of my window. 
"My wife and kids saw this teenage couple in uniform from kissing and performing immoral acts right under the sun at the play ground. " 
 - a local resident

"Educating and guiding our youths on responsible behaviour is a core concern of the school. 
"We have worked with the parents of the two students to provide counselling and guidance to the students. 
"The students are remorseful and have learnt from their mistake. 
"The school takes a serious view of this incident and we have reminded our students on the importance of responsible behaviour". 
  - Siglap secondary school principal

Heavy petting by young couple in public and in broad daylight. (6 Oct)

Says the STOMPer:

"My friends and I happened to be sitting beside them.
"They were smooching and we caught the boy squeezing the girl's breast, a couple of times.

Kissing so passionately in public -- the boy's 15 and the girl, only 14.  ( 7 Oct )

i don't mean to offend or arouse anyone from such photos. My purpose is to create awareness. in broad daylight, teenagers can already be so liberal in the way they express "love". how much so behind closed doors and empty rooms?

is this how we are going to educate future generations? to depict love as in the media? in this age where we encourage freedom of speech and liberalisation, will "love" be portrayed in the photos above? The hollywood displays "love" so openly, practically every couple ends up in bed.  How much more is the mass media going to influence values and beliefs?


Krystin said...

I couldn't agree more that the definition of Love has become so corrupted as compared in the past. The ironic part was nowadays with sex education (part of our syllabus), it seems that more teenagers are committing such acts even though they are aware of the consequences. Strange isn't it? whether behind close doors or in the public. Again, media has a part in it for spreading the definition of "Love".

To sum it up, LOVE = SEX! Too much emphasis is put on physical intimacy instead of other things such as communication etc which are the essentials in a relationship.

I mean how can Love survive based on just Physical intimacy??

Joseph said...

In fact i think otherwise.

I think the couples featured in this entry is learning to communicate physically. Sex ( or foreplay ) definitely require communication. I think the teenagers who have this "outward display of love" are brave, expressing their love and desire so truthfully and honestly.. most importantly, not ashame of their love and their desire to have sex. Better than those hyprocrites who indulged in poronography and masturbation.

Sex should not be the main emphasis and relationship should be wholesome. But even if a couple do not have sex, or have public affection, it does not mean they're better off too. They could be a parasite of one another ( i.e. having this relationship to take advantage of the other party for personal gain ).

I agree public affection should be discouraged, but at least they are not having sex naked in the public. You can expect auntie in Korea to grop your buttock when she likes u..

Kai Siang said...

I guess these students who were caught on photo were plain stupid. They know people will be repulsed by their actions and they still do it in public. So many other more secluded places for them to go but they chose some public area.

And what is the thing about complaining to schools? People's first thought is to complain about the school. Did the school tell the students to go and pet in the public while wearing their uniform? Is the school responsible for every action done by the students? Students action's are not necessarily the product of schools. It can arise from anywhere, the media, parents, peers. All of which are beyond human control. When will people learn that?

Another thing which is really irritating about these reports is the people who took the shots. They are complaining about these students while they themselves are taking photos of them. Are they any better themselves? What right do they have to take pictures of others?

okrasandaubergines said...

oh dear, it is really disturbing if this is the way our youths relate to love and sex.

it is rather gross that they did it in brood daylight, in public and in school uniform!!

anyway, the issue of sex has been rather controversional. although i do not look down on people who have sexual intercourse before marriage (however both parties must fully consent to sex), i do not agree with LITTLE KIDS WHO ARE BARELY LEGAL to express their sexuality at such an early age. i mean, at 15 i was busy catching waves at the beach with my girlfriends you know? it's really sad when young girls are not educated about such important issues and end up pregnant or even with infections at such a young age.

and this is my personal feelings / opinions.. but i cant stand young horny boys who get aroused by every single thing... LOL

Slize said...

Wow, i see you got some interesting photos there.

ok, i'm gonna oppose this for the record. Not you, just the general public.

WHAT and WHY is the main reason that makes it such a taboo to show public affection?. Is it because Grandma and Grandpa didnt?. or is it due to the fact that our elders oppose it. if so..WHY?.

when i mean WHY, i meant as to say WHY has society moved in the direction to view public affection as wrong?. AND WHY IS IT DISRESPECTFUL?. I dont know really, but honestly from my point of view, its not disturbing to see teens show affection.

with that said, I'm not one of those that do...:).

Arare - Raj said...

I feel there is nothing wrong with such emotions.

I find it MORE disturbing that other people are enjoying taking pictures of these teens doing their stuff.Voyeurism in my opinion is even sicker.

We are still mammals.We still need intimate and physical interaction to really grow.It has already been proven that couples with miserable sex lives tend to divorce at a much higher rate than those who keep a balance.

And that is the keyword here,balance.Afterall, we NEED sex to propagate this world.It was meant to feel good,if not we would not have a million nerves ending down there that can lead to orgasms.We are made this way.Problem is some people take it too far and are not able to control it or try to suppress every sexual emotions and only waiting it to burst.

And we cannot blame the media.Personally the media is just one being caricature of nonsense.Entertainment purposes if you will.Sex is everywhere,even on Animal Planet of all things.Its in music but nobody makes any fuss out of it.

We can't judge the the emotions of these teens ,if its "love" or not since many of us are still young have have not really loved anyone to the age rip old age of 80 without cheating on or fantasizing anyone else.

We have zero right to judge what Love is to these people.Hell,we have zero right to judge anyone for anything .

Anonymous said...

It shocked me to see the reality of students today.Haven't been interacting with younger generations for a while, which strikes me a question - 'their definition of love?'. When we say love. Its not just physically. Its emotional. that concern hardships, happiness, tears, money, mentality, friendships, ethics, culture, beliefs & last of all communication. How much as a person, living till today know about love?The highest attainment in life, to learn about and practice forever. An ongoing process that needs understanding and maintenance. That is neither taught nor imitating others. Just how strange people define they're 'deep eternity love for another' which only their actions reflect it all. Just, how much is that love?

Anonymous said...

It is very disturbing that "Conservative Singapore", which we are commonly labelled, has seen a surge of such passion-charged teenagers.

Perhaps it it time to revamp the education syallbus of Singapore and ensure that moral ethics and sex education be combined to create a more holistic approach to tackling this very undesirable social issue.

fen.fen said...

i think both the Media and the family has a role to play. but let's not be finger pointers here. what we are interested in here is COMMUNICATION ya?

physical intimacy is a form of communication i guess. but it is indeed only 1 form of communication and sometimes i feel that it limits and hinders our communication with our partners on a deeper level.

communication between 2 pple, even if they are very close to each other, is very complex and not easy. learning to express one self and to understand the other party really takes skill and effort.

this is what we really need to work for.

Anonymous said...

For me, i would not agree to an overly "outward display of love". But sometimes, a peck on the cheek would add spice or make the day for the couple.

Those pictures displayed have shown actions that are way too disturbing for the public and a disgrace to themselves especially when they are in uniform representing the school. This has spoilt the image of themselves and not only that, the reputation of the school. It has also somewhat shown that the education system is rather not effective in conveying the message across- how students should behave themselves in the public.

Being a conservative country, most Singaporeans would not be able to accept this extent of love as they would view it as an extreme public display of affection. My stand is with the majority of the Singaporeans as love is not only 'restricted' to an outward display. It should encompass other important aspects in a relationship such as communication as mentioned by other bloggers previously.

True love is one that respects each other. This kept me wondering, are those people in the pictures engaging in this kind of act either trying to satisfy their own desire or cater to the needs of the other party in fear of losing them and choose to forsake their own dignity? If the latter is the case, I feel really sad for them.

Moreover, when the couples attempt to engage in all these actions, have they ever thought of how the public is going to view them and what kind of image are they portraying? I don't think they would mind if they are thick-skinned and shameless.

John said...

Well... teenagers and young couples nowadays like to have Public Display of Affection (PDA) and i think we are slowly moving away from a conservative society. But most of them do not understand that their behaviour are drawing stares/glances of disapprovals because what seem to be a loving gesture to them can be a public eyesore to the others.

My take is this: refrain from PDA when you are in super crowded areas. It's not really nice and you may embarrass the old uncle//auntie stranded next to you in the crowded train. I mean you wouldn't like drawing unwanted attention also rite?

Extreme outward display of affection includes kissing and other forms of making out. Otherwise, holding hands and hugging should be pretty acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Are those teenagers truly communicating LOVE? Perhaps those teenage lovers thought so in their self-centred world, totally disregarding the world outside of them.

On the contrary, in my opinion, it appears to be an "outward display of 'lust'" instead of "love". I would not call those display of close physical intimacy as "love" as true love commands respect. Those teenagers' actions (ie. heavy petting, oral sex) in public totally communicated no form of respect for themselves and for each other. Those teenagers appear to be rashly indulging themselves in sexual/sensual pleasure more than a communication of love for one another. Hence, exposing themselves to the vulnerability of having premarital sex & thus teenage pregnancy. Therefore, we might want to question whether those teenagers are truly communicating LOVE?

Most people might think that such outward display of close physical intimacy is more acceptable if it occur "indoors". Perhaps it might appear less disdainful to the public's eyes. However, in my opinion, those teenagers' actions of physical pleasure would not be acceptable both in public & indoors (such as carparks). As these rash & immature actions might pose detrimental outcomes e.g the deep emotional hurts that a teenage girl have to go through as a result of losing her virginity in such an unrespected manner, or a breakup, or pregnancy.

Indeed, there is a need to correct such misconstrued definition of True Love in present society. Admist the sex education in school, if the adults are communicating 'Lust' instead of 'Love, what difference would a sex education make? Pre-marital sex, unwanted pregnancy, abortions, extra-marital affairs are so common these days. Where would our children/teenagers learn true love and how to communicate love from?

True Love Waits & commands Respect. Deeper forms of physical intimacy (such as petting, heavy petting, sexual intercourse) should be reserved for marriage. Early & constant exposure to deeper forms of physical intimacy leave both parties to the vulnerability of pre-marital sex (which will lead to other dire consequences).

Ms Bendy said...

wow~ the photos are so explosive.
Personally, I don't agree with the teens behaviour , as well as adults, because I think that they should respect the rights of the people around them(passerby). Moreover, they may also give off the wrong messages that the students of their school are reckless in their actions and thus creating a bad reputation for their school, if members of the public identify them by their uniforms.

siewmai said...

i think youth nowadays should be enlightened about the subtlties of the show of affection. however, i believe that reponsibility shouldn't be put entirely on the shoulders of parents or schools, and even the media.

furthermore, individuals should 'grow some common sense' and be more aware of the public. they're taking singapore's sense of security for granted. so much so that they exhibit an exhibitionist mentality, thinking that the puclic will not react to their public show of affection

Jerome Yeo said...

actually i think its perfectly fine that teenagers are behaving themselves that way. i myself personally feel that singapore should learn to accept acts like these. i stand with the liberal people and i think that things like these should not be frown upon.

perhaps a sudden change like this will be too overwhelming for most people but i personally think that we are not catching up with time. how often do we end up staring at people who express their affection on the streets? like kissing. i guess ive watched one too many US films and i think that we should be more open in expressing ourselves. in terms or verbal and non verbal.

Zed Ngoh said...

Q: why do these student not go home after school?
A: because there is nobody at home. who wants to go back to a cold quite house and face 4 walls?

Q: why is nobody at home?
A: cos both parents are out working, due to the various pressures of society.

in this society where kids cannot get affection from their parents, they have learned to seek it elsewhere. basically, from other latch key children like themselves. put 2 lonely people together, and they are sure to find solace in each other.

BONDING over time, the relationship starts to INTENSIFY. given enough intensity, plus a lot of free time and an empty home, the couple starts to EXPERIMENT with other forms of affection. sounds like Knapp's model, the other way round; just as most things are in our society. but that, is another story.

Anonymous said...

Carol's comments are what I am thinking.
"outward display of LOVE"?? Where is the LOVE in these pictures, I can only see lust...

I am a believer of hugs and kisses, it's a warm way of showing pure affection, just like what you would do to a cute baby or puppy or your family. Affection to lover is more than that, but it should be full of respect and not selfishness.

Display of affection is full of love, but their background here is shouting "I WANT your BODY" and not "I LOVE you SOLELY".

Yeah we are physically mammals, but what is human different from animals? Spirit and Thinking. We have self control, we have respect for others, we are able to be considerate, we do not just follow what our body wants, because we have intelligence and moral.

Sex is something that unite two biologically unrelated person to become one. And you shall not separate after you've become one. It's a gift of pleasure and affection to a couple who vow to love each other for a lifetime. If you are going to part anyway, if you have no intension to love the person till the end, then you've lost the meaning of SEX. You lost the true pleasure of sex. What you'll get is only the pleasure for your body, but not happiness for your heart. What you'll get when your mind wake up is pain and hurt, not on the body but in your heart and spirit.

They are just about 15, they don't even understand the true meaning of sex. We do not guard against casual sex because we are afraid of the consequences of pregnancy and AIDS, we guard against casual sex for the LOVE of a lifetime to come.

If you love someone, protect her. And protect her feelings, protect her dignity, protect her reputation, protect her body.

It has nothing to do with liberal or controversial. It's a matter of respect and considerate.

"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial.
"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive.

buzz said...

very well said, enpsychologist. we abstain from casual sex not because we fear AIDS or STDs. we abstain from casual sex because we want to protect our partner, for the love of a lifetime.